Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Queenstown Adventures - Part One

January 8th found us in Queenstown - the place for the young and adventurous at heart! There are action-packed activities available at every corner - you just have to pay! And pay dearly for most of the adventures! The moms will be happy to know that we picked those that befit our age, like the Shotover River jets and the gondola ride to the top of the mountain where we sampled a delicious dinner of typical New Zealand cuisine of lamb and venison!

Next time we come, we will try the zip-lines through the forest and the world's tallest bungy jumping site. Actually, if the truth be told, we would have tried some of these as well, but the weather was absolutely freezing the entire time of our stay in Queenstown, and the most exciting activities all called for action into the wind. One morning we awoke to a beautiful dusting of snow on all the mountains - something that usually happened in July or August for them. All the locals told us that it was really similar to winter weather for them - record-breaking cold temperatures. It is just too bad that we are not in Melbourne right now, which is experiencing record-breaking hot temperatures of 44, dipping to 37 at midnight!

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