Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Milford Sound Boat Cruise

The following morning dawned cold again, but with an added element to it - rain ! As we left for Milford Sound, the guide explained that the area en route to Milford Sound is most beautiful when it rains, because thousands upon thousands of waterfalls are created from every fissure and crevice on the mountain sides, as the earth becomes saturated. And that is exactly what happened - myriads of waterfalls graced our journey!! The scenery was absolutely magical. Some of the walks were experienced from a wet perspective, but still gorgeous, as the pictures will attest. And when we arrived at Milford Sound, a small window of sunlight burst upon us, so that we might experience the fiords and mountains on the boat cruise in clear air. Our tour boat, the Pride of Milford, took us out to the open ocean as well as ply past huge spraying waterfalls. The clouds in the sky were threatening, but held off until we started the return journey. How majestic! We will let the pictures speak for themselves.....


  1. looks like you kids are having fun! beautiful waterfall pictures. i can't believe that you didn't do the zip-lining or bungee-jumping, mom.

  2. Wow - the pictures look just like they did in 1974 when we were in New Zealand. We had a sunny day in Milford sound, one of only a few.


  3. Wow - this brings back memories of visiting Milford Sound in 1974. We have similar pictures. Viola

  4. Hi Karin and Rick,
    Have enjoyed your pics and descriptions of your holiday in NZ. We were there in 1998 and enjoyed the sights immensely -- some of the pics ring a bell. Wishing you some good last few days of holidays and then a smooth entry into work etc.
