Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On to Rotorua, North Island

Coach tour came next morning on January 2 with a stop at Waitomo for a cave tour which has millions of glow worms lighting up the cave. These little creatures look like slugs, but secret mucous which hangs down from them like a thread to catch unsuspecting insects nearby. The glow worm emits a light which attracts the unsuspecting insect, and bingo! It is drawn into the lair! We even got to boat through the dark cave led only by glow worm light! Then on to Rotorua for two days - it was a centre celebrating Maori culture. We participated in the traditional Maori welcome, we ate a Hangi feast which was cooked underground for 3 1/2 hours with volcanic rocks, we toured a Maori centre for weaving and carving, and we were entertained with Maori dances and singing. New choreography ideas for when I get back to Dalhousie teaching! We also visited the famous Agrodome sheep show, complete with sheep-shearing and sheep herding demos. I got to bid on a sheep and won! Then we toured an incredible geo-thermal area with spewing geysers and bubbling mud pots! The evening was complete with a relaxing visit to the Polynesian Spa - 7 hot pools of therapeutic water! What a visit!
P.S. to all our accurate Historical buffs: Earlier in a blog we showed one picture that we thought was a dinosaur - now after visiting a Kiwi reserve, we learned that it was indeed extinct, but it was a large flightless bird related to the Kiwi called the Moa!! I know you all care, but we don't want to mislead you!!

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