Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Queenstown Adventures - Part 3

Early the next morning we arose to experience a moody misty morning in the mountains on a "Lord of the Rings" tour. What we found was Frodo and Eldor - but where was Gandolf? The sets were no longer there, but all the scenery where the three films were shot all at once on location were pointed out to us. We even learned the whereabouts of Middle Earth and dabbled in some creative forced perspective photography to become hobbits ourselves. In true British style, we were served outdoor tea from the jeep along the river bank! Now the other passengers on the tour and the guides were avid "Lord of the Rings" aficionados, but Rick and I just revelled in the beauty of the scenery. Of course we loved it when the Land Rover travelled through the river and the panning for gold was great fun! I even found a gold nugget in my pan. Hope it is valuable enough to support the cause of this trip!

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