Tuesday, January 12, 2010

For Your Amusement...Interesting signs

Hi everyone!

We are finally at a stable connection where we can connect with you once again, so we will try to post several blog listings for you tonight. There are just such interesting ways here to communicate - New Zealanders have their own ways of saying things, and the pronunciation makes things hilarious at times. We were booked in at a restaurant called "The Reef", but it was next door to one called "The Roof", and since they pronounce these two words the same, we had no idea which restaurant was the one we actually wanted. Never sure if we did get the correct one. Well, the food was great nevertheless! Every time they use a word with the vowel"e" like in the word "men", they pronounce it "mean" so we never really know what is being said....even though it is English. Here is some road signage that we found hilarious - enjoy! And then we were so excited to find a reminder of home in one of the local rustic taverns - an authentic Manitoba license plate proudly and prominently displayed on one of the walls!

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