Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Other Excursions with Evan - Melbourne Gaol

We have been so busy as of late, that we have left our blog submissions for a while. So, now we will try to catch up!

In his last few days in Melbourne, we helped Evan experience some local colour by visiting the Melbourne Gaol. We took a night tour which showed us what it was like to be incarcerated in the early years of Melbourne's existence. We learned all about the hanging of the local hero, Ned Kelly, plus a few others. We were even enclosed as a group of 25 in a tiny room with no lights and little ventilation, to experience the real thing! Needless to say, we were glad to get out of there without incidence!


  1. The photography, as usual, is wonderful!!

  2. PLEASE learn how to play the digeridoo! We have tried hard to use circular breathing (as has been suggested is the key), but to no avail!! It is a conversation piece when friends visit, but making a sound would be impressive ....
