Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Family Excursion: Healesville Sanctuary - February 20

On February 20th we drove northeast out of town to the Healesville Sanctuary. This proved to be a great place to spot native Australian animals in natural surroundings. We could visit special exhibits and shows for the entire afternoon, learning about the habitat of the elusive duck-billed playpus, watching the keepers feed the beautiful lyrebirds (so named because of their lyre-shaped tail), seeing the koalas get new leaves for feeding, viewing a "parrots in flight" show, and later a " birds of prey" show. Here we glimpsed our first sighting of the famed Tasmanian Devil, met all sorts of lizards and snakes, and saw dingos (feral dogs), kangaroos and wallabies! We completed the day by visiting the Tarra Warra winery, which is situated in a very picturesque valley and has an art gallery adjacent to it. We ate a delicious supper in Healesville at a winery/cheese factory restaurant named Giant Steps/Innocent Bystander. Evening saw us return to the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" under the stars. The evening play was lovely, the temperature was most pleasant and the company was wonderful! Who wouldn't love sharing such a beautiful and unique country with one's son?

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