Monday, March 8, 2010

Close Encounter of the Amazing Kind

This weekend we drove along a very narrow road surrounded by eucalyptus trees! Suddenly we came upon a koala just sitting still about one foot away from us on a dead tree trunk, seemingly posing for us! We watched in amazement as he stayed there for quite some time, oblivious to the circle of people around him. Then he slowy sauntered backwards down the trunk and rooted around the bushes a bit. He seemed rather disoriented and had an injury on one of his legs. Suddenly he changed direction and came right out onto the open road, not half a foot away from us! He headed right for Rick. While others stopped the oncoming cars, we spoke to him gently and guided him across the road to the other side. It was as if he understood that we were trying to help him! Or, maybe it was just that koalas can't see very well, and he didn't notice us! Anyway, we could have reached out and touched him - that's how close we were! Simply incredible! Enjoy the pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible experience!

    I find it amazing that the bear stayed around long enough for you to have taken all those great pictures.
