Monday, February 1, 2010

Australian Wildlife Contest

Wow - what a treat to see wildlife indigenous to Australia, completely unknown to us before! Because the blog publishes all the pictures in a single column, regardless of when and where I insert them within the body of the text (must be doing something wrong here!), this blog is going to be a puzzle for you! We will list the species and see if you can match them to the picture! The winner gets a personally guided tour to see all these animals and birds when you come to visit us this year in Australia! Or else, if you prefer, we can send you a package of delicious chocolate/caramel Koalas as your prize! More challenging than the daily crossword or sudoko! There are some multiple pictures of the same creature, just for your enjoyment!

We have already seen koalas (nestled high in eucalyptus trees), fairy penguins (tiny blue and white birds no bigger than eight inches who come out of the water at sunset and then climb rough and jagged cliffs or travel over a mile waddling along to make their way home to their burrows with their young - so incredible!), biting wombats, scratching but cuddly kangaroos, hopping wild wallabies, cockatoos (sulphur-crested and not), king parrots, green parrots, rose-breasted parrots, crimson rosellas (clue here!), Kookaburras, Australian magpies, Australian lovebirds (we think!), emu, an unusual Australian variety of goose, an Australian version of a robin (but bigger), lizards of two varieties , a white lyre bird (clue here also), fossilized platypus, and the poisonous red-backed spider! Simply amazing! Australia also has the usual annoying seagulls and pigeons, but we left those to your imagination!

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