Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13 - Deanna's Graduation from Medicine

Dr. Deanna Joy Cook - what a title!
Our daughter has now completed the first step in her dream to become a medical doctor! She had graduated as a member of the Class of 2010!

We as her parents are indeed thrilled and humbled at her amazing accomplishment. Right from a young child, Deanna has desired to follow this path of service in her vocation. In her childhood book entitled "You Can Be Anything You Want To Be", Deanna's favourite page was the picture of herself clad in a white jacket with a stethoscope around her neck! She has kept this book over all the years.

As the day of her graduation approached, Rick and I felt increasingly saddened that we were in Australia and would have to miss this very special moment in her life. So, we decided that a trip back to Canada for Rick to attend the ceremony and celebrations was an absolute must.
We planned the trip as a surprise for Deanna, and relied on the help of many family members to make the arrangements. It actually did come off as a real surprise to her!

Alas I had to remain here in Australia to hold down my teaching job. My heart was heavy! But, with the help of Rick setting up the system on our computer before he left, son Evan guiding me through the actual broadcast of it and the University of Manitoba, I was actually able to watch the ceremony live to air through a live streaming webcast, albeit from 1 to 4:oo a.m. in the morning out here!! Oh the marvels of technology today! It was just amazing that I could enjoy the ceremony from half-way (or more!) around the world. Yet I still was sorry not to have been there in person.

In spite of some glitches along the way, I could see all the proceedings and hear the speeches and beautiful organ music. In tears of joy I watched Deanna accept the "Fairgreive McBane Award, which was presented to her as one of two graduating students from the Class of 2010 who "demonstrated the most genuine compassion and profound interest in caring for those in need of medical assistance". This was a wonderful tribute to Deanna! What more does one want in a doctor? I was awed and ever so proud! She had been chosen from a class of 101 graduates to be the recipient for one of the University's eleven major awards in the Faculty of Medicine! Deanna had also earlier been awarded two other scholarships. She won the Community Health Sciences Award for a paper that she had submitted on "Poisoning Related Injuries in Children", which was acknowledged in the program. She also received the Alan Klass Memorial Award/Grant to cover part of the flight costs for her medical block in Uganda, Africa.
Then the crowning moment arrived when her name was called and she received her diploma! She looked radiant and was beaming!
The Class of 2010 had much cause for celebration!

Many thanks to all the family who attended the ceremony and who have supported Deanna along the way. Your messages to me have helped to ease the pain of being left behind in this corner of the globe!
Deanna & her two Grandmas - Anne Klassen and Helen Doerksen (left to right)
Deanna and her two Aunts - Hildi Banting from Victoria, British Columbia and Debbie Lamboo from Winnipeg (left to right)
Dray & Deanna with Dray's parents - Ralph and Dorothy Cook
Deanna with cousins Amber and Lindsey Lamboo (left to right)
Deanna with her Aunt Esther Klassen of Winkler and her Dad

A special thanks to Drayton, Deanna's husband and soulmate, who has helped to carry Deanna through the hardships of her studies. It is indeed a sacrifice for him and his career to follow Deanna to Calgary for the next step of her residency in paediatrics. We love you for that, Drayton!

With credit to brother-in-law Grant, a short video clip was made and posted on Youtube, highlighting Deanna and her part in the ceremony. My sincere thanks go out to you, Grant, because it is a very warm and fitting glimpse into a real highlight of Deanna's life!

Available on Youtube @:

Dear readers, you are most welcome to take a look!

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