Monday, May 10, 2010

Close Encounters of the Amazing Kind - Chapter 3


Our visit to "La Mangia Cafe" at the Sonre Farm was a most relaxing and enjoyable visit. Yet it was after lunch that I experienced chapter 3 of my "Close Encounters of the Amazing Kind" saga. You see, the proprietors had wild Gray Kangaroos as pets! The friendly owners even gave me celery and bread to feed them! As soon as the kangaroos knew that food was awaiting them, they came running. First one....

then two.... then three...
and finally four! They were very strong and often managed to pull the food away from me.
These animals were the large Gray variety of kangaroo, with small heads and large ears. The females were completely gray in colour, and the lone male was considerably taller, also gray but with a patch of red on his chest. It looked like he was bleeding! They all had powerful hind legs and short, thumbless forelimbs. There was a large claw on their hind legs. Apparently this serves as a protective tool in their natural environment. What a valuable asset! One wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of those big kickers! The tails were thick and about four feet long, used for balancing, especially when they stood upright. They willingly stood up for me with the incentive of food! Wow - another close encounter of the amazing kind, this time with the great Gray Kangaroos!

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