Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Blessings

Hi everyone!

At this special time of year, we want to stop and thank you all for your love, support and best wishes as we continue to count down to our Australian Adventure Down Under. We in turn want to wish you all a very blessed Christmas with your family and loved ones.

Alas, we have no Christmas tree or lights adorning our house this year, but if we did, this is what we would wish to display. It's called "Christmas Light Show - Amazing Grace Techno". Paste the URL into your Internet browser, sit back and enjoy!

Wishing you peace and joy,
Rick and Karin


  1. Go forth bold explorers! May you have a safe journey, take lots of pictures (and post them), drink large quantities of Aussie red wine, and enjoy yourselves.

    We wish you a wonderful year of discovery.

  2. Hi Karin and Rick,

    I hope your flights and connections went smoothly. We experienced a few minor "bumps" returning from Florida after the recent security threats. But we are back in snow country.
    What an amazing beginning for you in this exciting advenure. Enjoy every moment.
    The blog idea is a great one. You are going to have so much to share.
    Be well.
    Happy New Year,
