Saturday, December 19, 2009

11 Days and Counting

Hi everyone!

I am so excited to get this blog site operational! I am going to add a new post today with a picture, just to see if it actually works!
School teaching is done for the term, orchestra is over for the term, and now preparations get ready in earnest for our departure!
For all your inquiries, here is our projected itinerary as we have it thus far:
Departure Date: December 29 ( Air New Zealand via Calgary and Los Angeles)
December 31: Arrival on New Year's Eve in Auckland, New Zealand
January 1 - 16: Tour of both New Zealand islands
January 16 p.m. : Arrival in Melbourne, Australia
January 21 & 22 : Orientation for the Victoria School Division
January 26 : Men's Semi-finals at the Melbourne Open Tennis Tournament
January 26: Our first visitor comes to see us - from Korea
January 27 - 29: Orientation and In-service days at Malvern Primary School
January 31: Our second visitor comes to see us -from Canada

For those of you who check this site before Christmas, Rick and I want to wish you a wonderful relaxing holiday and see you all in person again in 2011! Until then, as the Irish Blessing sings so beautifully, here is our Christmas wish for you:

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again -
Until we meet again -
May the God who loves us all-
May the God who loves us all -
May the God who loves us all
Hold you in the palm of His hand
In the palm of His hand -
In His hand.

God bless,
Karin and Rick


  1. Hi Mom and Dad,
    Nice job figuring out the blog!!
    Sounds like January will be a blast.

  2. Merry Christmas and God's richest blessings in your next adventure. - Jack & Janice Penner

  3. Greetings from SUNNY Florida!!!
    This sure beats the Artic Circle. Can't wait to visit you both -DOWN UNDER.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe journey

    Doug & Ellen

  4. Thanks for setting this up so that we can keep up with you! We'll look forward to your updates in the next months. Irene S.

  5. your hi tech amazing way to communicate once we get this figured out.
    Have a super trip.
    Love Hildi

  6. Hey! Bon Voyage !!!!

  7. Hey there it's Gina,I hope you are having a good time. I hope you do lots of touring in Newzeland while it's summer, while it's almost -40 degrees. We are freezing. We all are missing you. I'll tell the other kids that you have a blog and for them to write on it, but until then have a great trip!

    From your student, Gina Vermeulen
