Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sept. 16 -26 Holiday to Queensland : Cairns Part 1

Week one of our holidays has passed, and what an adventure it has proven to be! We left on Friday evening, September 17, right after the end of the school term, and flew to the tropics for some rest and relaxation, arriving at our hotel in Cairns, Queensland

in the wee hours of the next morning! We awoke after a shortened night to warm breezes - it was actually shorts weather, and we were so excited to rent a car and then check out what Cairns had to offer. We first discovered the famous Cairns Esplanade along the ocean!

How wonderful it was to enjoy breakfast outdoors there among the flowers and the crocodiles under the blazing sun! Next we came across the Cairns Saturday market with its local colour, located alongside the ultra-modern Esplanade lagoon. Our next foray was to the Cairns Regional Gallery. We were still in Cairns when we realized that the Davis Cup, a tennis tournament, was being held there over the weekend, so we decided to check it out. We were fortunate to arrive in time for a doubles match, ending with the famous Australian tennis player, Leyton Hewitt, and his partner as the victors.

We had decided to stay in the resort town of Port Douglas for the duration of our first week’s holiday, so we began our journey up further north along the coast of Queensland after the conclusion of the game.

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