Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sept. 10-14: Cultural Weekend in Melbourne

Carmel Harris, a friend from Queensland, joined us in Melbourne from September 10-14 for an extended weekend together of “culture”. On Friday night Rick, Carmel and I had dinner together at a Chinese restaurant opposite Her Majesty’s Theatre. Then Carmel and I attended the fantastic new musical production of “Mary Poppins”

which has just started its run in Melbourne. The next morning Carmel’s friend Bonnie arrived and, as it was a relatively warm day, we drove to St. Kilda to see the beach and the famous St. Kilda pier.

Here we met up with two other ITF members, Grace Jones and Sandy Bakos. After coffee at the St. Kilda Sea Bath Restaurant,

we split up to conquer more Melbourne happenings. Sandy and I decided to visit Luna Park

and indulge our carnival appetites, by sampling all the rides. Of course we tried out the wooden “Scenic Railway” roller coaster,

which is one of the oldest operating roller coasters in the world! We had great fun being jostled round and round and from side to side, getting our fill of thrills and spills on as many rides as possible!

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang drove to another area of Melbourne to check out the Prahran market

and Chapel Street.

That night we met a friend of Carmel’s for dinner at Walter’s Wine Bar in the South Bank along the Yarra River. It was a most picturesque location and the food was delicious.

Then all of us minus Rick (Rick says real men don’t go to ballet, and besides he said that he had played it about 3400 times already!) went across the street

to the State Theatre to see the Australia Ballet’s version of “The Nutcracker”. Can you find the Nutcracker on the rather gaudy painted curtain for the show? It was a version which was different from any that I had ever seen, but it was done very professionally. There was an audible gasp from the audience, however, when one ballerina totally crashed onto the floor! She got up and continued on as if nothing had ever happened! The Arts Centre was beautifully lit up at night as we departed from the theatre. Can you see the crescent moon in the southern sky? On Sunday in the afternoon we attended the Melbourne Opera’s production of Cavalliero Rusticana and Pagliacci. This was probably the low point of our cultural experiences, as the production was really very amateurish and the lead singers were miscast with voices that could not handle the musical demands! Add to that some poor staging and sparce scenery, and you get a forgettable experience! In the evening we had a great dinner together with some other friends from Canada at our place. The next day I had to return to work, but Rick and Carmel took a studio tour of the ballet headquarters. Carmel was thrilled! The hanging quilt inside even boasted
a tiny Canadian flag! In the evening Carmel and Bonnie took us out to a Thai restaurant that is supposed to be the #1 Thai restaurant in Melbourne. It was located in Kensington, just around the corner from our place! The food was indeed excellent! Sadly, the next day our guests had to return to Queensland, and our life returned to normal once again.

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